Josef & Anni Albers Foundation


Workshop on Josef Albers’s pedagogy February 4 and 5

Jan 24, 2023

Education director Fritz Horstman is leading a two-day workshop at the Josef Albers Museum in Bottrop, Germany.

Albers Foundation education director Fritz Horstman is leading a two-day workshop on the pedagogy that Josef Albers developed while teaching at the Bauhaus, Black Mountain College, and Yale University. Attention will be given to hands-on explorations of Albers’s color experiments, material studies, and design. Albers scholar Dr. Jeannette Redensek will present a talk on Albers’s use of drawing in both his studio and classroom, and participants will tour the special exhibition Josef Albers: Homage to the Square.

The workshop will be held in English and is intended for artists, teachers, and students of design, art, and other fields.

Josef Albers: Color, Materials, and Design
February 4–5, 11:00 am to 5:00 pm each day
Josef Albers Museum Quadrat Bottrop, Germany

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