Josef & Anni Albers Foundation


"Albers for Kids" offers activities for young artists

Apr 8, 2020

The Albers Foundation is creating a series of activities that will appeal to the youngest artists.

The Albers Foundation is creating a series of activities that will appeal to the youngest artists. Taking inspiration from exercises that Josef Albers taught at the Bauhaus, Black Mountain College, and Yale, the series includes activities that open eyes to the relativity of color and the potential of simple materials. New activities will be introduced each week in April, and participants are encouraged to share their creations.

The new activities run parallel to our longstanding educational outreach. Recent collaborations include a video workshop led by education director Fritz Horstman for the Children's Museum of the Arts in New York.

A young artist at work on a color study, 2020. Photo: Adhiraj Shekhawat.