In this film, artist and educator Anoka Faruqee has gathered firsthand accounts of Albers from his former students and colleagues, including William Bailey, Audrey Flack, Karsten Harries, Erwin Hauer, Sheila Hicks, and Richard Lytle. These reflections suggest Albers's teaching methods and ideals, while also providing a glimpse into his personality and relationships.

Student Work
Leaf Study, ca. 1950–56, Yale University - Kodachrome slide
Construction Study, ca. 1927, Bauhaus Dessau, student: Lotte Gerson
silver gelatin print, photographer unknown, possibly Edmund Collein
Albers annotated photographs of this construction with the statement that it was over 80 cm tall.Matière: stones and yellow paint on yellow background, ca 1941–49, Black Mountain College - Kodachrome slide
Color study: vibrating boundaries, ca. 1945–49, Black Mountain College - Kodachrome slide
Dogwood Leaves, ca. 1946–49, Black Mountain College, student: Ruth Asawa
oil and watercolor on paper, 7 × 12.5 in. (17.8 × 30.8 cm)Reordering study, wire screen, ca. 1926–33, Bauhaus Dessau
wire mesh, 8 × 13.5 in. (20.3 × 34.3 cm)Lettering study, Egyptienne "E”, ca. 1954–58, Yale University, student: Casey Miller
colored pencils on paper mounted on cardboard, 12 × 16.8 in. (30.5 × 42.7 cm)Folded paper construction, ca. 1943, Black Mountain College
black and white positive film in slide mountMatière: coal, wood blocks, toothpicks, and cellophane on black fabric, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slideStudy in material characteristics: the effect of wire mesh on plasticine, ca. 1927–31, Bauhaus Dessau
silver gelatin printColor study: free study in transparency, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
color positive film in slide mountLeaf study with reversed grounds, ca. 1945–55, Black Mountain College or Yale University
Kodachrome slideStudy in varied distances between lines of identical weights, Yale University, student: Orr Marshall
pencil on paper, 12 × 17.75 in. (30.5 × 45 cm)Matière: weathered wood and crumpled paper, ca. 1934–40, Black Mountain College
6 × 9 cm black and white negative filmExercise in order: multiplication of profiles, ca. 1927, Bauhaus Dessau, student: Kurt Stolp
silver gelatin printColor study: transparency / film color, ca. 1951–58, Yale University, student: Roland Peagle
color-aid paper mounted on cardboard, 8.25 × 10.375 in. (21 × 26.3 cm)Stacked Triangles, ca. 1946–49, Black Mountain College, student: Ruth Asawa
oil and watercolor on paper, 5.5 × 12 in. (14 × 30.4 cm)Folded paper construction: zig-zag folding, ca. 1937–47, Black Mountain College
black and white positive film in slide mountTypewriter study: two pyramids created using two characters, ca. 1926–33, Bauhaus Dessau
typewriter ink on paper mounted on cardboard, 11.75 × 17.25 in. (29.8 × 43.8 cm)Fiber rearrangement: burlap, ca. 1939, Black Mountain College
burlap, tape, 7.375 × 7.75 in. (18.7 × 19.6 cm)Reordering study: “Volkswohl” ca. 1928–30, Bauhaus Dessau, student: Gertrude Herold
printed matter collaged on newsprint, 8.25 × 11.625 in. (21 × 29.5 cm)Color study: free study in transparency, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slideTypofacture: newspaper word games, ca. 1929–31, Bauhaus Dessau, student: Fritz Tschaschnig
ink on paper mounted on cardboard, 6.375 × 8 in. (16.2 × 20.3 cm)Elizabeth Gellhorn (Resnick), ca. 1946–49, Black Mountain College, student: Ruth Asawa
ink on paper, 17.125 × 22 in. (43.5 × 55.9 cm)Matiere: Baking cups and dyed wool, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slideColor study: transparency and spatial illusions, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slideFolded paper constructions, ca. 1935–42, Black Mountain College
black and white positive film in slide mountColor study: transparency / film color, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
color positive film in slide mountDrawing of pliers and scissors, ca. 1951–58, Yale University, student: Neil Welliver
pencil on paper, 12 × 17.75 in. (30.5 × 45 cm)Color study: make one color look like two, ca. 1951–58, Yale University, student: Livingston
color-aid paper on cardboard, 6 × 8.5 in. (15.3 × 21.6 cm)Color study: transparency and overlapping planes, ca. 1948, Black Mountain College, student: Ernest Costa,
colored paper on cardboard, 9.75 × 12 in. (24.7 × 30.5 cm)Folded paper construction, n.d., Black Mountain College or Yale University
black and white positive film in slide mountLeaf study, ca. 1941–55, Black Mountain College or Yale University
Kodachrome slideLeaf study, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slideStill life, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slideMatière: lace, gear, leather, and fuzz on red background, ca. 1941–49, Black Mountain College
Kodachrome slide